1. teachers who talk with no purpose
2. t.v. shows that leave you with a cliff hanger
3. encountering more than two bad drivers during one trip
4. needing sugar but not the calories
5. late fees at the library
6. all my radio stations on commercial break
7. painful ponytails
8. not having sour cream when you need it!
9. judging one another
10. doing bad things to prove that you are interesting, so ridiculous...
ex. swearing, vandalizing, mocking, drinking, any drug, and just the choice to degrade your body and/or mind to prove to someone else your worth!
11. people who quit dreaming and working hard to accomplish that dream
12. being cold for too long
13. people who quote songs that I don't know as their facebook status
14. impatient people
15. the term love used foolishly
And that is all for now...
ahahaha. i completely agree with the song lyrics as facebook status pet peeve. although i am guilty of it. but only once.