Everyday I look at my facebook account and I wonder what people are thinking. They treat facebook as though it is the most important thing to. Below I have listed several groups or categories of facebookers. If you disagree tell me why? If you want to add a category please do!
1. Mommies
These are the people who have just recently had a child. They are so enamored with their babies and post 1-2 pictures per day. Posts include quotes such as," Judy just picked up a cup and walked around smiling," or, "Jordan was angry during bath time." While this is somewhat endearing, you want to filter about half their posts in order to see more peoples statuses.
2. lovey couples
This is genre of facebooker that constantly post loving things about their significant other. Not only will they post these things daily, but also that significant other will say something equally as smoopey back. It will look something like this:
Javier is " loving the women who chose to marry him."
Emily: "Oh baby you are the best."
Javier: "No you are the best."
Sandra is "so thankful for a husband who does the dishes without her asking."
Bob: "Darling you are worth every scrub."
Sandra: "Let scrub together when I get home...:)"
You can see how this is like watching a terribly rated romance movie. Lets keep the love private and consider others without a significant other.
3. singles
This group includes partiers, just out of romances, and all other categories. These people post everything about how a party went, how drunk they were, and tend to group invite as a status update. Don't get me wrong, they are very entertaining, but how many drunk escapades do they post before everyone thinks they are an alcoholic? This group tends to flirt way to much as well. Their picture is very seductive and may include bare chests and cleavage. I say, " go to match.com!"
4. oversharers
Jaimie is, "I just pooped and it looked like a turtle."
George is, "Loving the new maytag washer that he and his wife bought ten minutes ago. It has a duel speed system. I even went to target and found this amazing green liquid soap that will be good for our environment. There is nothing like new $546.99 appliances that I was able to pay for from my savings account. Now I am poor. Want to buy my car? (503-456-****)
Violetta is, "Really excited that she moved up a bra size!"
enough said...
5. People who think facebook is twitter
This group updates every 30 minutes or so. This group can include any other category or group and most likely is a single or a mommy, or in some cases unemployed or sick.
6. songsmiths
I already demonstrated my pet peeve of random song lyrics as a post. If you are going to post please reference your quote. Otherwise, technically you are infringing on copyright laws.
7. gamers
This last group is by far the most annoying and yet so entertaining. Daily they remind you why it is important to have friends, pets, a job, and other things to do. Those people who spend hours a day playing games and posting their success are doing themselves a disservice. Rather read a book and tell my how it changed you!
Disclaimer: I am in no way judging other people. Instead I am reflecting on what I see and trying to make sense of it! I am sure I sometimes an part of these categories.
Oh, I forgot a category.....
8. People who join ridiculous groups...like my brother
It's the shmoopies that get to me. Please, put it in a message!!
ReplyDeleteand the constant status updaters. :)
Personal LEAST FAVORITE status update?
"Andrew is."