Tuesday, May 3, 2011


A wise teacher told me this little diddy today:
" Students need, discipline, want discipline, and fight discipline."

Today I spent quite a bit of time disciplining. If you followed me around during my day you would here the following.

" Kevin, why are you still talking."
"Frank, no one cares about what you are saying right now because what I am saying is much more interesting."
"You can either sit where I put you or I can write you a referral for defiance."
"Joey stop hitting your partner."
"Samantha pull your shirt up, the girls are showing."
"Is it really too much to ask for you to clean up your desk?"
"Jordan you are officially late as you are wandering around the room and not in your desk."
"Donald, come sit in this chair in front you are having trouble talking today."
"Hey, potty mouth!"
"Sammy, why were you in the bathroom for 15 minutes? Do you need to visit the nurse or were you just avoiding work?"

Each of these comments comes from a place of caring and love. Students need order to succeed in school. They also need to know that I am consistent and will administer discipline with a firm hand. I have found that by learning to do these things for my students I can give grace with more sincerity.

Students have responded to this discipline. They know that while they can push the boundaries I will always push back. They are also well aware that I care. Why would someone who doesn't care try to make you better through correction?

This makes me consider my relationship with God. We are always pushing the boundaries. We shove knowing his boundaries are firm. However, when we cross them there are always consequences. With these consequences comes the grace he has promised each of us.

I think this is why people who have really "fallen off the wagon" spiritually love God with sometimes more fervor than a "forever" Christian. They have pushed those boundaries and can therefore experience the grace that God gives in a much greater amount.

Every day I should thank God that there are consequences, that he cares enough for me to uphold them, and that there is grace when I fail.

And THAT is what I learned today while teaching.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. I really appreciate your perspective on teaching and faith, Steph.
