Sunday, July 11, 2010

Royal Family Kids Camp and what is means to me

Each year I return from this special camp drained, emotional, and changed by God. This year was no different. I became acquainted with a darling young girl (who shall remain unnamed for safety reasons). She crawled right into my heart and I will carry her there for the rest of my life.

A little description:
1. possible fetal alcohol syndrome
2. developmentally delayed
3. learning and speech disabilities
4. incredibly independent
5. possible detachment issue
6. the best laugh at camp
7. a lover of life, splashing, playing hide and seek
8. a great helper
9. a sister and friend to her family
10. Jesus's special child whom he chose and still chooses.

This week my camper and I learned how to get along and be a team. I learned to help a child who needed a lot of help without making her feel less independent and able. We constantly played games and ran around. We laughed all the time. She laughed for pure joy of being a child. I laughed watching her have fun and at some of her hilarious antics. She did some very silly things!

Another list of silly things:
1. falling asleep on a horse repeatedly for 30 minutes
2. splashing water into her own face and then laughing hysterically
3. rolling around on the floor during chapel
4. always running ahead of me into our cabin and hiding under the bunk so that I can find her
5. running around naked while I try to cover her with a towel
6. stomping around like an elephant with a mischievous grin
7. spitting water at boys who call her cute
8. eating in general
9. calling every pet "ugly" as a name
10. sleeping in a bed filled with toys.

This week has changed my life! If you ever want to experience true life change, then participate in this camp. God will show you how much he loves each of his children.


  1. Oh, I completely agree. The children give back far more than we give them. That seems to be the hidden reward for blessing the fatherless.

  2. I'm so glad that you're able to do this. I'd love to hear more stories when we can sit down together.

  3. I like that she called her pet ugly.
